Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Good Tuesday bloggers I have a much happier note today to write about and it is my excitement over Eclipse. I will admit that I am a Fanatic when it comes to the Twilight movies and books. I just started reading them right before the first movie was released because I am a firm believer that the book is always better then the movie. But As far as Twilight is concerned I know many people believe me to be a late comer and only interested because of the hoopla that Hollywood has created. I am not that person though! I love all the characters so much and I feel like I am some lucky prop in the Cullen world. I almost stopped reading the books after Eclipse because I was so heart broken for Jacob I didn’t think I could make it though another devastating round of his heart break. I vividly remember lying on my couch reading the end of Eclipse and crying so hard I couldn’t even read anymore. (To this Brandon rolled his eyes and went to bed) I do not own any tee-shirts because I am after all almost 30 and at what point does a 28 year old woman look even remotely right in a tee shirt from the tween section? Never. I am going to see Eclipse tonight at midnight by myself and I am so freaking excited I could just burst I know its going to be amazing. So my dear blog readers have you lost all respect for me yet??

1 comment:

  1. Eclipse is far and away my FAVORITE book of the series! I hope the movie is good.
